I've used a lot of fonts on this site, so I thought I would link them all here.
I've also made some fonts of my own that you can download!
Some fonts I use are just Windows default fonts, like Verdana, Courier and Comic Sans, so you either already have them or don't even see them on the site.
very nice, curvy font that I use for the stuff and about page headers.
cool pixel serif font i found on the bitfontmaker2 gallery. only has letters, so it can't write its own name.
created 6th Jan 2024, sixteend is a bad font i made while bored. each symbol contains the same sixteen pixels.
created 7th Jan 2024, columns is my first actual attempt at a font. each symbol has two "columns" on either side.
this is the newest version of minimega, MinimegaSeptem, which has more symbols and some letter changes.
you can also download MinimegaAugust and the original version (which has bad spacing and line height).
this font was originally created for increformer shortly after its first demo release.
created 4th May 2024, tumble is kind of round like lego bricks after going through a rock tumbler.
created for the experiments page, this font only contains the symbols needed to write "Experiments".