Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe



Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe is played on a 3x3 grid of tic-tac-toe boards.
Blue starts, and players take turns placing their colors. Blue may place their first color anywhere. The square the color is placed in defines which board the next color must be placed in. For example, if it is played in the top-left square of a board, the next color must be placed in the top-left board. The board that must be played in has a square around it. If no boards have squares around them then the player may put a color in any board.
If one of the boards is won (a line of three in any direction), then the board is marked with the winner's color. If a board is full, it is a draw and the board is marked grey.
A marked board can no longer be played in. If a player is sent to a marked board, they may play in any available board.
The game ends when the larger grid is won or every board is marked (which is a draw).


